Lynne Lee Testimonial

Nicole Azaan
October 9, 2017
Marques Holmes Testimonial
October 15, 2017

Lynne Lee Testimonial


“I’ve actually been drawn to DISC from time to time over the years. I’ve wondered about it but I never took the plunge because quite frankly, I didn’t think I needed it. I’m glad I didn’t jump in before, because if I had I would have missed out on experiencing the amazing Dr. Steen.
“I could have trained with somebody else that I’m sure would have done a good job, but I wouldn’t have benefited from Dr. Sandra Steen’s insights, her warmth and her passion. She brings a certain something that can’t be replicated and she has so much experience, so many valuable insights that she is willing to share and that’s why I’m planning to stay connected. It’s been a long time since I had a mentor who has added so much value.”